RESEARCH WORK71中国医疗设备 2021年第36卷 03期 V OL.36 No.03引言血液透析机是当前治疗急、慢性肾功能衰竭最有效的工具。血透机属于第Ⅲ类医疗器械,需要工程师对其安全性、有效性严格控制。当前医疗设备的质量控制正逐步被重视,血透机设备传感器种类多样,监测参数多达上百例,数据互相影响,每个参数都关系到患者透析治疗的质量与安全。2019江苏省血液净
a-pick up tube improper positionadjust pump head to tube x xx mm press blood flow key to confirm air detector not activated press air detector keyair leakage check fluid tubes connectionsattach fluid
a-pick up tube improper positionadjust pump head to tube x xx mm press blood flow key to confirm air detector not activated press air detector keyair leakage check fluid tubes connectionsattach fluid