(四).装卸货开始、期间、结束常用英语1. 你好,大副,我是码头卸货负责人,欢迎到青岛港来,我们将为你们提供优质服务.Hello, Chief Officer ,I’m Loading Master .Welcome to Qing Dao Port ,we will give you a good rvice.2.这个航次装货量是多少?How many tons of cargo are
(四).装卸货开始、期间、结束常用英语1. 你好,大副,我是码头卸货负责人,欢迎到青岛港来,我们将为你们提供优质服务.Hello, Chief Officer ,I’m Loading Master .Welcome to Qing Dao Port ,we will give you a good rvice.2.这个航次装货量是多少?How many tons of cargo are
1 产品名称:海上航行纵向加油装置Product Name: Marine navigation longitudinal refueling device2 图号:1-00Drawing No.3 用途:本装置主要供油船在海上航行中对水面船只实施纵向油料补给,本装置所带的绞缆筒供船只系泊时使用。Application: This device is mainly ud for longitu