Automobile Parts 2021.01107收稿日期:2020-08-04基金项目:广西科学研究与技术开发重大专项计划(桂科重14122002-4)作者简介:杨甄鑫(1997 ),男,硕士(在读),研究方向为汽车轻量化㊂E-mail:㊂通信作者:廖抒华,硕士,教授,研究方向为动力学仿真与控制㊂E-mail:㊂
车辆轻量化的英文文章Vehicle lightweighting has become an increasingly popular trend in the automotive industry due to its positive impact on fuel efficiency and emissions reduction. This process involves using
1 IntroductionThe key task for the automobile industry and its suppliers in future lies in speedily developing and implementing ecologically sound and economically justifiable mobility systems. Light
车辆轻量化的英文文章Vehicle lightweighting has become an increasingly popular trend in the automotive industry due to its positive impact on fuel efficiency and emissions reduction. This process involves using
车辆轻量化的英文文章Vehicle lightweighting has become an increasingly popular trend in the automotive industry due to its positive impact on fuel efficiency and emissions reduction. This process involves using