肥厚型心肌病的心电图特征(2)acceptingThe pathophysiological mechanisms of the Q wave in HCM are not fully understood; however, it is assumed that it may be related to the ratio of the upper anterior 
科技文本翻译例子简单的剪窗花>三角函数练习题1、深部煤巷锚杆支护技术的研究与实践毒菌Rearch and Practice of Bolting Support Technology in Deep Coal Roadways.说话口才训练2、无约束物体动力学普适方程的变分导出Derivation of a Universal Equation for Unrestrained Bodies
UU (unit) 单元,机组UA (uniform array) 一致阵列,一致数组UACTE (universal automatic control and test equipment) 通用自动控制及测试设备UADPS (uniform automatic data processing system) 一致自动数据处理系统UADS (us