大连重工·起重集团有限公司大 型 港 机 设 备 制 造 业 绩REFERENCE LIST OF LARGE PORT CRANES SUPPLIED BYDHI&DCW GROUP CO.,Ltd序号No.产 品 名 称Products Description台数Quan起升能力/生产率Capacity用 &n
工程起重机中英文翻译对照To gain a certificate of competency for a cabin controlled bridge or gantry crane you must pass anasssment for a Bridge and gantry crane certificate conducted by an asssor registered b
CONTRACT FOR LEASING OF CRANE EQUIPMENT起重机设备租赁合同The contract is made on between China ABC Company (Hereinafter called “the Contractor”) as one Party and Magellan Services (Hereinaf
汽车起重机主要部件中英对照随着越来越多的外资品牌起重机进入中国市场,汽车起重机行业的竞争也越来越激烈,用户的选择和需要接触的信息也越来越多。用户在面对一款外国起重机产品手册时,往往束手无策。本文将向大家介绍汽车起重机产品和各项性能的对照英文翻译,让你在面对英文版产品手册时也不再发愁。汽车起重机整体结构()中英文对照1 副臂 Boom with extension2 起重臂伸缩机构 Boom tel