QUY25履带起重机主要性能参数发动机Engine发动机型Engine type冰冷的甜蜜康明斯 君字五行属什么6CTA8.3-C215Cummins 6CTA8.3-C215额定功率(kW/r.P.m)Rated power160/2200标准功率燃油消耗率(g/kW.h)Fuel Consumption at standard power230额定最大起吊能力(t)Rated max lift
振浮1号(600吨固定臂架浮吊) ZHENFU 1(600t Shear Leg Floating Crane) Floating crane3海上浮式起重机主要技术参数表Floating craneTable of Main Parameters for Floating Cranes船 名: 振浮1号(600吨固定臂架浮吊)Vesl Name: ZHENFU 1(600T SHEAR LE
372-03 TExplanation of codes: Conditions1 Unsatisfactory starting condition : - Butterfly switch not in neutral position - Or potentiometer supply voltage is too low.启动条件不合适—加速器不在中位或加速器电源电压太低2 Butterf