燕塞湖Members of the Congress of the United States: At any time it would be a privilege for me to address Congress, more especially this prent august body which will have so much to do in shaping the d
双语演讲稿:宋美龄 1943年美国国会演说全文表达方法都有哪些宋美龄 1943年美国国会演说全文 (英文)麻糖的功效与作用Mr. President, Members of the Senate of the United States, ladies, and gentlemen, I am overwhelmed by the warmth and spontaneity of the wel
1943年宋美龄美国国会演讲(中英文对照)•文章提交者:深圳川军加贴在中国历史铁血论坛bbs.tiexue/bbs73-0-1.html •绞股蓝治什么病••The committee appointed by Vice president, preceded by the Secretary of the Senate (Edwin A. Haly), and the
英语翻译中级⼝译:阅读部分翻译句⼦精练资料(2) ntences in focus 2 This is basically a correct obrvation, which says something about the American way of life. 这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国⼈的⽣活⽅式。 Each state ha
哈佛校长雷文先生的欢迎辞的advance copyIntroduction of President Hu Jintaoby President Richard C. LevinSprague Hall, Yale UniversityApril 21, 2006Mr. President, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and
英语翻译中级⼝译:阅读部分翻译句⼦精练资料(2) ntences in focus 2 This is basically a correct obrvation, which says something about the American way of life. 这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国⼈的⽣活⽅式。 Each state ha
英语翻译中级⼝译:阅读部分翻译句⼦精练资料(2) ntences in focus 2 This is basically a correct obrvation, which says something about the American way of life. 这种看法基本正确,它反映了美国⼈的⽣活⽅式。 Each state ha