First Inaugural Address of George WashingtonTHE CITY OF NEW YORKTHURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1789Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the Hou of Reprentatives:鲨鱼图片Among the vicissitudes incident to life no
6.2.4 主的冷却装置规定Stipulations for main cooling device6.2.4.1 主变的冷却装置在正常时由温控监测装置自动控制其启、停;In the normal, the start and stop of main transformer cooling device is controlled automatically by temperature con
6.2.4 主的冷却装置规定Stipulations for main cooling device6.2.4.1 主变的冷却装置在正常时由温控监测装置自动控制其启、停;In the normal, the start and stop of main transformer cooling device is controlled automatically by temperature con