1.Sequential Rules [sɪ'kwenʃ(ə)l] 序列规则 Sequential Rules are rules that govern the combination of sounds in particular language. e.g. If a word begins with a /l/ or /r/, then the next sound
1.Sequential Rules [sɪ'kwen怎样做牛肉丸子ʃ(ə)l]工程造价实习报告 序列规则 Sequential Rules are rules that govern the combination of sounds in particular language. 我英文e.g. If a word begins with a /l/ or /r/, t
1.Sequential Rules [sɪ'kwenʃ(ə)l] 序列规则 Sequential Rules are rules that govern the combination of sounds in particular language. e.g. If a word begins with a /l/ or /r/, then the next sound