Invitation code 翻译"Invitation code"的意思是“邀请码”,它是一种用于邀请新用户加入某个平台或社交媒体的方式。通常,已经在平台内的用户会获得一个邀请码,然后可以将其分享给其他可能有兴趣加入的人。best day of my life例句:1. "Can you nd me your invitation code for this app?"(“你能发给我这个应
Tutorial:Modeling Flow-Induced(Aeroacoustic)Noi Problems Using FLUENTIntroductionThis tutorial demonstrates how to model2D turbulentflow across a circular cylinder using large eddy simulation(LES)and
EXP什么意思Bio Med CentralBMC BioinformaticsRearch articleThe COG databa: an updated version includes eukaryotesRoman L Tatusov*1, Natalie D Fedorova 1, John D Jackson 1, Aviva R Jacobs 1,Boris
你会用【under名词】来表示某事正在进行吗?marlborojust us我们说某事正在进行,主要是用进行时,如【他在图书馆学习】就是He is studying in the library. 英语中,介词under后面接用某些有动词派生来的名词,也可以表示某事正在进行。常见的名词有:fingerscrosd身心灵培训under obrvation在观察中under repair 在修
人员招聘制度及稳定措施方案XXXn 1: Recruitment System1.1 General nsIn order to standardize。regulate。and nalize the recruitment management of the company's employees。ensure a reasonable talent structure and talent r
P ART XII–I MPLIED T ERMSI I NTRODUCTIONA The Role of Implied TermsParties cannot possibly contemplate every contingency that may ari and alter the operation of the contract, so that gaps are inevit
法院委托书你会用【under名词】来表示某事正在进行吗?我们说某事正在进行,主要是用进行时,如【他在图书馆学习】就是He is studying in the library. 英语中,介词under后面接用某些有动词派生来的名词,也可以表示某事正在进行。常见的名词有:under obrvation在观察中键盘怎么换皮肤under repair 在修理under construction在修建