2016年电视机尺寸选择《商务翻译》课程期中作业:仁者见仁什么意思指令:每一组同学从1+6;2+7;3+8;4+9;5+10中选其一进行翻译,译文完成后必须润色三遍,要有三次润色的电子稿三篇,到时发给这三篇电子稿我作为评阅译文的参照。本练习必须在第十一周之前完成,第十二、十三周为本次商务翻译的展示大赛,每一组派两人陈述。第十四周开始训练汉英商务翻译。Passage 1Big Is Bigger T
(情绪管理方法)尽职调查IOOC(情绪管理方法)尽职调查IOOCINFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED资料要求清单Comments注明The list below is the information necessary for the due diligence work. The objective of the list is to make sure
INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED资料规定清单Comments注明The list below is the information necessary for the due diligence work. The objective of the list is to make sure that our team can smoothly start
INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED资料规定清单Comments注明The list below is the information necessary for the due diligence work. The objective of the list is to make sure that our team can smoothly start