美與醜引言1.美的分類a.人體美與人格美合乎常態、適當的比例、配合康德認為美女意味“nature reprents in her figure the purpo in view of the shape of a woman’s figure.” (c.48) 美vs.魅力(charm, cs. 13-14)空有相貌,沒有精神,可能會讓人覺得庸俗,所以康德說:A poem or
4-2-1-1 冒號題最簡單的形式是單格填空或句子等價:1.For some time now, ______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody hasan angle is considered wisdom.(A) rationality(B) flexibility(C) diffide
4-2-1-1 冒號題最簡單的形式是單格填空或句子等價:水嶋ヒロ1.For some time now, ______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody hasan angle is considered wisdom.(A) rationality读文章网(B) flexibility(C)