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军旅言情新2补充练习33-36一、选择填空1.Yesterday, David _______ a ticket for speeding.A. gaveB. had been givenC. was givenD. was gave2.By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the offer _______.A. will cancelB. w
实战练习 Passage 1 Tens of thousands of baby penguins face starvation after two giant icebergs broke off the Antarctic ice sheet and blocked their parents’ road to the feeding areas. Adeline
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4th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society ConferencePerth, 19-21 January 1997WHY THE HYPOTHETICAL DEVELOPMENT METHOD IS FLAWED.R.T.M. Whipple, PhD发传单Emeritus ProfessorCurtin Universitye-mail: dwhipple@iinet