眼科Ophthalmology眼科-青光眼Glaucoma Clinic眼科-斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopiactc眼科-视网膜Retina Section眼科-一般门诊Optometry-General Clinicvisitorsassociate眼科-兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam眼科-配光检查Optometry眼科-视 保健Vision P
模型人眼的视网膜自适应成像系统刘丽丽;封文江;高明;黄涛;于桂英;邓玉福higgs【摘 要】In order to get a better image of the retina and correct the aberration of the eye, a model eye adaptive optics imaging system bad on liquid crystal was
The human eye can physically perceive millions of colours. But we don't all recogni the colours in the same way. Some people can't e differences in colours – so called colour blindness – due to
第19卷第3期2020年6月Vol.19No.3Jun.2020浙江医学教育Zhejiang Medical Education•基础与临床研究•自拟活血利水方对视网膜脱离复位术后视功能恢复的效果分析郝建春,洪献飞(金华市中医医院,浙江金华321017)摘要:目的:分析自拟活血利水方对视网膜脱离(RD)复位术后视功能恢复的影响。方法:将64例RD复位术后伴黄斑区积液的患者随机分为治疗组与对照组,各
分类号学号M*********学校代码10487密级硕士学位论文眼科广域数字成像系统(RetCam3)临床应用研究学位申请人:钟琼蕾学科专业:眼科学指导教师:杨红教授专升本难吗答辩日期:2013年5月A Disrtation Submitted To Huazhong University ofScience and Technology for the Degree ofMaster of