良好掩护码头 Well Sheltered Terminal开敞式码头 Open Sea Terminal 进港航道设计通过能力 Design Traffic-capacity of Approach Channel over the rainbow 原唱复式航道 Compound Channel 通用码头 Bulk and Genera
良好掩护码头 Well Sheltered Terminal开敞式码头 Open Sea Terminal 进港航道设计通过能力 Design Traffic-capacity of Approach Channel 复式航道 Compound Channel 通用码头 Bulk and General Cargo Terminal 泊位
良好掩护码头 Well Sheltered Terminal开敞式码头 Open Sea Terminal 进港航道设计通过能力 Design Traffic-capacity of Approach Channel 复式航道 Compound Channel 通用码头 Bulk and General Cargo Terminal 泊位