螺栓材料A320Gr.L7介绍国家假期ASTM A320Scope麦哲伦漂的读音Originally approved in 1948, the ASTM A320 specification covers alloy steel and stainless steel bolting materials for low temperature rvice. This standard cov
专业英语四级-235(总分100,考试时间90分钟)1. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ______ the advertir pays for the message to be delivered.A. in that B. in whic
广东微量元素科学 2008年 G UANG DONGWE I L I A NG Y UANSU KEX UE 第15卷第1期 文章编号:1006-446X (2008)01-0050-03kill是什么意思中药虎杖微量元素含量的测定英语网上自学江 帆1颜晓潮2(1.武汉大学药学院,湖北 武汉 430061;voic