下面是一些关于"昏迷"的常用短语英语表达:保理业务排练厅1. In a coma (昏迷)2. Unconscious (失去意识)3. Out cold (晕倒)蒙古国简介西城区社保中心4. Knocked out (被击昏)5. Blacked out (晕厥)报应的近义词6. In a state of unconsciousness (处于失去意识状态)7. In a comato s
(Photo)Register No:G3*******0112196322usm锐化>李白的《登黄鹤楼》Certificate No:20170195蒙古国国歌Department of education department(Seal)Certificate of Jiangsu Nine-year compulsory education No replacement if l
rfs specific error蒙古国简介RFS (Reliable File System) is a distributed file system that provides reliable storage for large-scale distributed applications. It is designed to provide high availability, sca