海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on t
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)国际贸易英语词汇1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of ship
1. Which one is NOT included in “logics in writing paper”?(0/1分)Good theoretical analysis Good structure and clarity in the paper Goodlanguage flow Logical prentation in writing paper正确答案:Good theor
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on t
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner. 2
无人生还读后感新闻报道一个男生落水了英语作文感受重阳节的古诗>劳模工作室蝴蝶找花Swimming in the river is prohibited as drowning is common in July. In July last year, a few year old child of Zhou Xingchi bridge drowned, and the man drowned a
致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书-译文kitty是什么意思To Lord Chesterfield 致切斯特菲尔德伯爵书少儿频道动漫世界By Samuel Johnson [英]约翰逊February 7, 1755. 1755年2月7日My Lord,尊敬的阁下:I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of the World,① that two pa