“价格战”英语怎么说flipper名词解释:“价格战”一般是指企业之间通过竞相降低商品的市场价格展开的一种商业竞争行为,其主要内部动力有市场拉动、成本推动和技术推动,目的是打压竞争对手、占领更多市场份额、消化库存等,如沸沸扬扬的京东当当价格战。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?hou of cardsA cut-throat price war has broken out between major
往年雅思口语考题回忆录【4】Part2&3考题考题总结:地点类茶叶名Describe a place in other countries where you would like to workDescribe a country that you want to work for a short timeDescribe a place you often visit海之泪Descri
Reflections on His Eightieth Birthday食品行业微信营销案例苏宁电器促销活动Bertrand Rusll击成语The rious part of my life ever since boyhood has been devoted to two different objects which for a long time remained para