论语 CONFUCIAN ANALECTS学而第一『⒈1』子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”The Master said: "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have fr
人物语录:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译Analects The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not a
Confucius’ thoughtsConfucius’ thought is rich and profound, mainly consists of the theories of 言出必行benevolence(仁), Great Harmony(大同), rites (礼) and the doctrine of the mean(中庸), covering various field
手机可以用几年千与千寻英文Confucius’ thoughtsConfucius’ thought is rich and profound, mainly consists of the theories of benevolence(仁), Great Harmony(大同), rites (汪国真经典诗文礼) and the doctrine of the mean(中庸), coveri
孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译(样例5)第一篇:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译人物语录:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译pretty womanAnalectsThe Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends
产业调研报告孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译(样例5)第一篇:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译人物语录:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译Analects克谐The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends sho
《论语》全文学而第一子曰:“学而时习之,不亦悦乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”海飞丝广告词The Master "Is it not pleasa nt to learnwith a consta nt perv eranc eand applic ation?"Is it not deligh tfulto have friend s c