Test Test Procedure Criteria Picture (Before Test)膜厚用膜厚机打实际值色差用色差机打实际值用光泽机打实际值The hardness shall meet the specifications without having any scratches on the test surface (paint, film, etc.).1. N
Zemax操作数(中英文对照)一阶光学性能1EFFL 透镜单元的有效焦距Effective focal length in lens units2AXCL 透镜单元的轴向色差Axial color, measured in lens units for focal systems and diopters for afocal systems 3LACL 透镜单元的垂轴色差Lateral colo
Zemax操作数(中英文对照)一阶光学性能1EFFL 透镜单元的有效焦距Effective focal length in lens units2AXCL 透镜单元的轴向色差Axial color, measured in lens units for focal systems and diopters for afocal systems 3LACL 透镜单元的垂轴色差Lateral colo
色差公式(9)——CMC(l:c)色差公式 1984年英国染色家协会(SDC, the Society of Dyers and Colourist)的颜色测量委员会(CMC,the Society’s Color Measurement Committee,)推荐了CMC(l:c)色差公式,该公式是由F。J。J.Clarke、R.McDonald和B.Rigg在对JPC