船舶建造合同Shipbuilding Contract(HULL NO. ) (船号:)This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinaft
常见的一些缩写,希望你能用上1 A/B Above Ba Line 基准线以上2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐涂料3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防污漆4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社5 Abt Abt (About ) 大约,关于6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住区7 ACCM.L A
第一部分1A/B Above Ba Line基准线以上2A/C Anticorrosive Paint防腐涂料3A/F Antifouling Paint防污漆4ABS American Bureau of Shipping美国船级社5Abt Abt(About)大约,关于6ACCOM.Accommodation船室,居住区7ACCM.L Accommodation Ladder舷梯8ACCU