翩翩起舞的意思是什么翩翩起舞的意思:形容轻快地跳起舞来。出自《诗经·小雅·四牡》:“翩翩者鵻,载飞载下。”用法偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于描写舞姿。有载歌载舞、手舞足蹈、.舞之蹈之。英文解释ri and dance in a happy mood;dance trippingly ;出 处《诗经·小雅·四牡》:“翩翩者鵻,载飞载下。”狼的英文示 例1、唐·李白《高句骊》:“翩翩舞广袖,似鸟海东来
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robotboom比赛总结Robot contest is over, and everyone in the Association for Science and Technology has ead his busy life.The rhythm. During the competition, everyone worked hard to prepare for it.Althou
舞场的英文词汇讲解舞场的英文词汇讲解舞场的英文:ballroom; dance hall参考例句:Her behavior at the party had not been calculated to plea the boss.她在舞场的.那种举止并不是为了取悦于老板。"Dead weeds and withered trees, where men have once danced an