二人世界 英文关于strongSwan的leftrightIdid用作peer的身份验证和接入控制。有四种类型:The ID by which a peer is identifying itlf during IKE can by any of the IDsummer holidaytypes IPV[46]_ADDR, FQDN, RFC822_ADDR or DER_ASN1_DN.&
北京故宫资料关于strongSwan的leftrightIdid用作peer的身份验证和接入控制。有四种类型:The ID by which a peer is identifying itlf during IKE can by any of the IDtypes IPV[46]_ADDR, FQDN, RFC822_ADDR or DER_ASN1_DN. If one of
1、时段限制①建立一个时间段。名为work。时间定义为工作时间8:00~18:00[MSR2021] time-range work 08:00 to 18:00 working-day②静止上班时间所有IP访问优酷网([MSR20_21]acl number 3001 //高级ACL[MSR20_21-acl-adv-3001]rule 10 deny ip sou
1、时段限制①建立一个时间段。名为work。时间定义为工作时间8:00~18:00[MSR2021] time-range work 08:00 to 18:00 working-day②静止上班时间所有IP访问优酷网([MSR20_21]acl number 3001 //高级ACL[MSR20_21-acl-adv-3001]rule 10 deny ip sou
f文件详解网络工程师考试资料f是dns rver配置的核心文件。下面我们一段一段的来解说。# f - configuration for bind## Generated automatically by bindconf, alchemist ls {inet allow { localhost;