Labels Regions Regions abbr.1Precentral_L Precental gyrus PreCG.L 2Precentral_R Precental gyrus PreCG.R3Frontal_Sup_L Superior frontal gyrus, dorsolateral SFGdor.L 4Frontal_Sup_R Superior frontal gyru
Performance of the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)in chemical applications qGuangyu Sun a,1,Jeno¨Ku ¨rti a,b ,Pe ´ter Rajczy b ,Miklos Kertesz a,*,Ju ¨rgen Hafner c ,Georg Kres caDepartme
专利名称:Dumping system for a dragline bucket 发明人:Darryl R. Immel申请号:US08/752457美股几点开盘申请日:19961115梭鱼怎么做好吃公开号:US05752334A菜豆腐>黑白壁纸公开日:19980519官场春秋专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A draglined bucket having first and cond
Select the best answer for each of the following.M1-1 Accruing net loss on noncancelable purcha commitments for inventory is an example of a. Conrvatism b. Realization c. Consistency d. Material
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