40、gen_projective_mosaic.hdev:图像拼接,使用proj_match_points_ransac和gen_projective_mosaic。* This example program shows how veral images of a PCB can be combined into a large mosaic image of the PCB.
40、gen_projective_mosaic.hdev:图像拼接,使用proj_match_points_ransac和gen_projective_mosaic。* This example program shows how veral images of a PCB can be combined into a large mosaic image of the PCB.
洛基提醒:英语学习已经进入互联网时代 1. 哇!Wow! 这是人们处于高兴、兴奋、惊讶、激动等情绪的时候最常用的一个感叹语句。 2. 好极了!Great!数概念 = Terrific! = Fantastic! 3. 我兴奋得睡不着觉。I'm too excited to go to sleep. = I'm so