用加水萃取精馏制取无水乙醇E+化工1班 夏亚琴pistorius(武汉工程大学)lf introductionAbstract: Dehydrated ethanol is now ud in pharmaceutical, chemical, energy and other industries, it has the increasing demand. There are two
上海工程技术大学学报JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE Vol34No3 Sept2020第34卷第3期2020年9月文章编号:1009-444X(2020)03-0298-05why am i the one乙醇一水体系加盐萃取精馏过程研究胡昊辰,吴淑晶,刘昊宇,乔佳妮(上海工程技术大学化学化工学院,上海201620)摘要:
热泵精馏隔壁塔分离宽沸程物系的模拟李沐荣;许良华;辛春伟;袁希钢【摘 要】Bigtemperature difference between the overhead and bottom of the dividing wall column (DWC) limited the application of vapor recompression technology into DWC for
热泵精馏隔壁塔分离宽沸程物系的模拟父亲节的祝福李沐荣;许良华;辛春伟;袁希钢【摘 要】Bigtemperature difference between the overhead and bottom of the dividing wall column (DWC) limited the application of vapor recompression technology into DW
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