纺织报告| T extile Reports77中国传统服饰蕴含着丰富的设计元素和内涵,有着较强的时代性,随着社会的进步,在不同的时期具有不同的时代内涵,在传承中不断变革,形成了我国传统服饰特有的美感[1]。symptom在现代服饰设计中,如何将我国传统文化有机融合,并在应用中传承民族文化、保留民族特色,形成符合现代审美的创新设计,是当前服饰设计面临的挑战[2]。随着社会经济的提升,传统文化在现代
【51Talk-英⽂介绍中国⾮遗⽂化】中国⾮物质⽂化遗产:粤剧中国⾮物质⽂化遗产:粤剧Cantone opera is one of the major Chine opera categories. It is a traditional Chine art form that originated in southern China’s Cantone culture, and
中国非物质文化遗产:粤剧Cantone opera is one of the major Chine opera categories. It is a traditional Chine art form that originated in southern China’s Cantone culture, and involves music, singing, marti