柠檬酸络合法制备ZnO粉体及表征李朋;张海涛;邵林;刘泳;陈明丽;徐志军【摘 要】Choosing zinc nitrate as the starting material, citric acid as complexing agent, and using sol-gel method make high purity zinc oxide powder. Through the X ray
第27卷第6期中国陶瓷工业Vol.27, No.6 2020 年 12 月C H IN A C E R A M IC IN D U ST R Y Dec. 2020DOI: 10.2020.06.003干法制备S iC颗粒压缩度与粒化时间的影响张小辉\罗宏斌\徐婷婷2(1.景德镇陶瓷大学机械电子工程学院,江西景德镇333403;2.景德镇陶瓷大学陶瓷美术学院,江
橡胶连续混炼粉料混合均匀性仿真及实验研究张卫锋;张福霞;汪传生;王蒙【摘 要】In order to improve the quality stability of rubber continuous mixing rubber and realize the accurate proportion and uniformity of powder materials such as carbo
文章编号:1000-2472(2003)04-0029-04钛盐水解制备纳米TiO 2粉末的研究!唐绍裘1,周武艺1,李得意1,周艺2,潘彤2(1.湖南大学材料科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410082;2.长沙电力学院化学系,湖南长沙410007)摘要:以Ti (SO 4)2水溶液为前驱体,NH 3·H 2O 为沉淀剂,十二烷基苯磺酸钠(DBS )为表面活性剂,采用常温水解沉淀法制备出了纳米T i O
橡胶连续混炼粉料混合均匀性仿真及实验研究张卫锋;张福霞;汪传生;王蒙手抄报花边简单又好画【摘 要】In order to improve the quality stability of rubber continuous mixing rubber and realize the accurate proportion and uniformity of powder materials suc
6.2.4 Ceramic sinteringHello, everyone, today we are going to talk about ceramic sintering.译文:大家好,今天我们要讲的是陶瓷烧结。Becau of their high melting point, hardness,and brittleness, ceramic components cannot