符号的英文读法. period 句号孕妇能吃芹菜吗≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号谍战剧排行榜前十名, comma 逗号< is less than 小于号: colon 冒号> is more than 大于号; micolon 分号≮ is not less than 不小于号! exclamation 惊叹号≯ is not more than 不大于号?
符号的英文读法. period 句号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号, comma 逗号< is less than 小于号: colon 冒号> is more than 大于号米兰花的养殖方法; micolon 分号≮ is not less than 不小于号! exclamation 惊叹号≯ is not more than 不大于号赡养老人? que
+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或