General Body Movements1. stand up 2. sit down 3. walk 4. stop 5. turn left 6. turn right 7. turn around 8. walk backwards 9. jump 10. hop-单足跳,齐足跳,跳跃 11. bend over 12. squat-蹲,跪下 13. walk 3
2019 TEM grade 4 Part I dictation黄志光SlangWe often u slang expressions when we talk becau they are so vivid and colorful. However, they are usually out of place 格格不入; 不相称; 不适当; in formal writing be
柜子用英语怎么说柜子是收藏衣物、文件等用的器具,方形或长方形,一般为木制或铁制。柜子是一种长方形家具,形体较高大,可存放物品。那么你知道柜子用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。柜子英语说法1:复核理由ghost八年级下册语文课本电子版柜子英语说法2:spirit柜子英语说法3:soul柜子的相关短语:用柜子 Cabinet ; With cabinet ; Using cabinets长方形的周长是