Accident Analysis and Prevention This paper describes a project undertaken to establish a lf-explaining roads (SER) design programme on existing streets in an urban area. The methodology focus
My View on Urbanization Nowadays,立体春字剪纸 urbanization is a general tend that quicken our pace constantly in the veral years.电话英语怎么说 We can’t ignore that the urbanization
2011年9月考期《统考大学英语B》在线模拟一、单选题(共 5 道试题,共 15 分。)1. I don't have much free time as my work _______ all my time. CA. takes awayB. takes overC. takes upD. takes in 
人物描写英语高级句子人物描写是小说、散文、传记等文学作品中不可或缺的一部分。一个生动、立体的人物形象能让读者深刻地感受到作者对人性的理解和对生命的关照。在英语写作中,如何能有效地描写人物,是学习者需要掌握的重要技能。众所周知,“语言是文化的载体”,在描写人物时,我们要通过语言的选择来展现出人物的内在性格和外在表现。以下是一些英语高级句型,供读者参考。1. 形容外貌和身材- She was tall
a faired t of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线datacea stereo pair of photographs一对立体投影相片abaftstop的用法朝向船体abandonment cost船舶废置成本费用accommodation居住(舱室)accommodation ladder舷梯专升本第一学历adjust valve调节阀adjustabl