100句话覆盖7000个单词〔新东方版〕覆盖7000个单词的100句话 新东方学校 1、 On this area of the a, the pandas like to drink tea with peas in soda.在海里的这个地区,熊猫们喜欢就着苏打碗豆喝茶。 2、 And the Oceanian militias like to go to cafeteria via th
100句话覆盖7000个单词〔新东方版〕listenwrecking覆盖7000个单词的100句话 新东方学校 1、 On this area of the a, the pandas like to drink tea with peas in soda.在海里的这个地区,熊猫们喜欢就着苏打碗豆喝茶。 2、 And the Oceanian militias like to go to ca
1、On this area of the a, the pandas like to drink tea with peas in soda.在海里的这个地区,熊猫们喜欢就着苏打碗豆喝茶。2、And the Oceanic militias like to go to cafeteria via the peninsula with a formula of dramas.而大洋洲的民兵则喜
新东方学校 1、 On this area of the a, the pandas like to drink tea with peas in soda.在海里的这个地区,熊猫们喜欢就着苏打碗豆喝茶。 2、 And the Oceanian militias like to go to cafeteria via the peninsula with a formula of dramas