每天帮你解析英语词语“刷卡”怎么说?答案:swipe card扩展开来就是swipe your card, swipe the card冬季是去三亚玩的好季节,因为北方冷得够呛。三亚最多见的“椰子树”用英文怎么说?答案:palm trees把它放在一个句子里面:Nothing el gives a landscape that “tropical” feel quite like palm t
每天帮你解析英语词语“刷卡”怎么说?答案:voice of americaswipe cardno rervations扩展开来就是swipe your card, swipe the card冬季是去三亚玩的好季节,因为北方冷得够呛。三亚最多见的“椰子树”用英文怎么说?答案:palm trees把它放在一个句子里面:Nothing el gives a landscape that “t
每天帮你解析英语词语“刷卡”怎么说?答案:swipe card扩展开来就是swipe your card, swipe the card冬季是去三亚玩的好季节,因为北方冷得够呛。三亚最多见的“椰子树”用英文怎么说?答案:palm trees把它放在一个句子里面:Nothing el gives a landscape that “tropical” feel quite like palm t