Learning multiple layers of reprentationGeoffrey E.HintonDepartment of Computer Science,University of Toronto,10King’s College Road,Toronto,M5S 3G4,CanadaTo achieve its impressive performance in tas
头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内耳平扫
Part 11. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic.Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of
16CT扫描常规头眼眶鼻窦咽喉部颈部肩序列HeadRoutine2cOrbitsHelicalSinussupineHelical富阳二中Neck→LaynxNeck→NeckRoutineShoulder→ShoulderRoutineKV/mA /Rot.ti me 120/150/2.0120/200/0.5建树120/200/0.5120/100/1.0120/150/1.0140/1
头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内耳平扫