課程名稱(Module title): 歐洲區域整合的理論與實踐(Theories and Practice of European Integration) 之課程概述local教學目的(Intended Learning Outcomes)學習區域整合的各項理論學說了解歐洲區域整合在政治、經濟、貨幣等面向的歷史與進程分析歐洲整合的可行性(feasibility)與可欲性(desirabilit
PP2填空詳解1.The philosopher claimed that a person who must consciously _____ his or her own indifference before helping another is behaving more nobly than one who basic disposition allows such an act
「音樂修辭學」的適用性問題及其意義 197國立高雄師範大學高雄師大學報2004,17,197-212「音樂修辭學」的適用性問題及其意義陳希茹*摘要「音樂修辭學」(Doctrine of musical-rhetorical figures ) 為16世紀末至18世紀後期重要的音樂理論之一。16世紀由於受到人文主義的影響,音樂與修辭學的關係日趨緊密。1601年左右,德國音樂理論家 Joachim B
課程名稱(Module title): 歐洲區域整合的理論與實踐(Theories and Practice of European Integration) 之課程概述教學目的(Intended Learning Outcomes)學習區域整合的各項理論學說邓丽君小城故事了解歐洲區域整合在政治、經濟、貨幣等面向的歷史與進程分析歐洲整合的可行性(feasibility)與可欲性(desirabil
PP2填空詳解1.The philosopher claimed that a person who must consciously _____ his or her own indifference before helping another is behaving more nobly than one who basic disposition allows such an act