outsider第9章现实主义一、选择题1. Who said “A novel is a mirror walking along the road” as early as 1830?A. StendhalB. BalzacC. FlaubertD. Maupassant【答案】A【解析】这是斯汤达的名言,意思是说小说可以反映现实。2. Stendhal’s masterpiece is __
Part 1. Early and Medieval English LiteratureEpicBeowulf 贝奥武甫(the national epic of the English people) striking feature: alliteration头韵, metaphors暗喻 and understatements低调陈述.ucbBalladFolk literatureThe
Part 1。 Early and Medieval English LiteratureEpicBeowulf 贝奥武甫(the national epic of the English people) striking feature: alliteration头韵, metaphors暗喻 and understatements低调陈述.BalladFolk literatureThe Ro
中国文学作品英译名词典A【阿Q正传】The True Story of A Q【哀歌】elegy【《哀江南赋》】Lament for the South【爱情喜剧】romantic comedyB【八股】eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil rvice examinations,
TimelineofBritishLiterature(英国文学史时间线)Timeline of British Literature (1660-prent)飞相局450-1066 Old English Period (Anglo-Saxon)1066-1500 Middle English Period (Medieval Period )1500-1660 The Renaissanc