论语 CONFUCIAN ANALECTS学而第一『⒈1』子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”The Master said: "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perverance and application? "Is it not delightful to have fr
人物语录:孔子语录(论语)中英文对照翻译Analects The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not a
初中语文-论语十则-中英文双语对照1.1 子曰:“學而時習之,不亦説乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知,而不愠,不亦君子乎?”【譯文】孔子説:“學了,然後按一定的時間去實習它,不也高興嗎?有志同道合的人從遠處來,不也快樂嗎?人家不了解我,我却不怨恨,不也是君子嗎?”1.1 Confucius remarked, "It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowled
英语翻译:孔子经典语录的英语翻译1.The faults of men are characteristic of the class to which they belong. By obrving a man's faults, it may be known that he is virtuous.山田本一子曰:“人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。”江苏好玩的地方2.If a man