我有一些 对话 给你看看吧 ...下面是书里的主要内容哦 一. At the registration挂号1. What can I do for you?2. What is wrong with you?3. Do you want to e a dentist?4. Which speciality do you want to register with?您要挂哪个科的号?5. Do
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Leçon 1I. Exercices d’audition1. Écoutez puis écrivez quel sport ils aiment.Qu’est-ce que vous préférez comme sport ?1) Vous savez, la marche, ce n’est pas vraiment du sport, mais j’adore ça.2) Les sp
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调休的英语表达 This article is about "调休" (tiáo xiū), a common term ud in China to refer to days off that are taken on weekdays instead of on weekends. The days are often arranged to compens