新概念英语第二册Lesson-37—40练习题同步测Lesson 37 – 40I . Choice.1. He wrote to me to say that he was looking forward to ________ my letter.A. receiveB. receiving英国爵位等级C. hear fromD. hearing from2. My uncle told me
欧洲中世纪各国军衔爵位贵族爵位传统的欧洲贵族阶级大致分为九层,他们从高到低分别是:“皇帝(Caesar, emperor, imperator, kair, the King of Kings)”、“王(王Rex, king, monarch, roi)”、“公爵(duke)”、“侯爵(marche, margrave, marquis)”、“伯爵(Graf, comte, conte,
爵(Duke of Cornwall),是只有皇长子才能被授予的爵位。所以我们不知猴年马月才能当上国王的查尔斯王子便是康沃尔公爵。在正规场合公爵穿深红色的丝绒外套,帽子上镶四条貂皮。其冠冕上有一个金环,上饰8枚红色金叶片。侯爵一词在刚刚出现时,只是代表其领地位置靠近边界,并不比其他伯爵的地位高,1385年后,侯爵才正式成为在公爵与伯爵之间的爵位,直到十五世纪,这个爵号才被英国贵族们所看重,因此,与
MP4689100V Input, 1A High Power LED DriverThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyDESCRIPTIONThe MP4689 is a high voltage input step-down switching regulator to deliver a constant current of up to 1A to hig