come on 前进, 出击The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire.战士们迎着烈火前进。随后跟上You go first.I'll come on in a minute.你先走, 苗寨风情我随后就来。开始工作The cooling unit hasn't come on yet.冷却装置还未工作。形容桃花的句子登台, 出场The
英语谚语学习----患难见真情好看的手机壁纸男生用A friend in need is a friend indeed.例句:1、患难见真情,真正亲密的朋友越多越好。包菜怎么洗“A friend in need is a friend indeed”, the more really clo friends there are, the better it will be.别史2、这种患难见