灯红酒绿的意思是什么灯红酒绿的意思:加班英文形容寻欢作乐的腐化生活,也形容都市或娱乐场所夜晚的繁华热闹的景象。thanks to英文解释red lanterns and green wine -- scene of debauchery;feasting and revelry;indulge in gay life and debauchery;[电影]Bright Lights, Big Ci
6月英语四级阅读练习题(答案版 2021 年 年 6 月英语四级阅读 练习题(答案版 (一) Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the a”. Before the nineteen century, scient
古代美男图片灯红酒绿的意思是什么灯红酒绿的意思:形容寻欢作乐的腐化生活,也形容都市或娱乐场所夜晚的繁华热闹的景象。英文解释red lanterns and green wine -- scene of debauchery;feasting and revelry;indulge in gay life and debauchery;[电影]Bright Lights, Big City;【解释】
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