没问题That's fine.反正等给他时那卫星也该淘汰了That satellite will be obsolete by the time it's delivered. 拉贾还想要什么What el does Raja want?奥古斯塔的高尔夫球会会员Yeah, a membership to Augusta National.这简直就是撒旦的圣诞节愿望单This reads lik
没问题That's fine.反正等给他时那卫星也该淘汰了That satellite will be obsolete by the time it's delivered. 拉贾还想要什么What el does Raja want?奥古斯塔的高尔夫球会会员Yeah, a membership to Augusta National.这简直就是撒旦的圣诞节愿望单This reads lik
没问题That's fine.反正等给他时那卫星也该淘汰了That satellite will be obsolete by the time it's delivered. 拉贾还想要什么What el does Raja want?奥古斯塔的高尔夫球会会员三伏时间Yeah, a membership to Augusta National.这简直就是撒旦的圣诞节愿望单This reads