infiltrate翻译infiltrate的中文翻译为"渗透",该动词可以表示潜入、渗入或渗透到某个地方、组织或系统中。以下是一些例句,展示了infiltrate在不同语境中的用法和中英文对照:乒乓球握拍1. The spy managed to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters without being detected.(这名间谍成功地潜入敌方总部而未
GRIMSEL现场的⽓体渗透试验第25卷第4期岩⽯⼒学与⼯程学报V ol.25 No.4 2006年4⽉Chine Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering April,2006 GAS MIGRATION TEST AT THE GRIMSELTEST SITEFujiwara A1,Okamoto S1,Tsuboya T1,V omvoris S
100种骂人套路bleed-over [bliːd-ˈəʊ水煮香菇və(r)] n.渗透,渗开雄蚁闺蜜的生日祝福语双语例句迪士尼英文1、You now have bleed-over ( incomplete stories into the next sprint). 那你就会血流不止了(把不完整的故事带到下一个sprint里面)。2、If you already have bleed-over
渗透II级基础理论试卷PT Level II General Examination姓名: 答卷时间: 地点:Name Time Location得分: 评卷人: 时间:Marks Examiner Date1. 选择液体渗透试验方法时,通常要考虑下面列出的哪些零件特性?( D )A) 零件上可能发生的不连续性的类型和尺寸B) 零件的用途C) 零件表面粗糙度D) 以上均需
山东师范大学成人高等教育英语专业英语阅读(二)试题DI.Choo the correct definition of the underlined word according to the context.(20*2=40)1. Chine not only u numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out
综合教程2unit5答案【篇一:新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程2第五单元课后答案】英语试卷讲评课教案underwear class=txt>text comprehension i.b. ii. 1. f; 2. t; 3. f; 4. t; 5. f. iii. 1. the cond half of
新视野4选择题unit1-5Uni t 11) This dia is caud by a tiny worm which can _______ the skin of a human being and caua potentially rious illness.A) transmit B) plungeC) penetrate 渗透;刺入;看透D) filter2) T