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1英文单词翻译 August 10, 2004Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the uterine cervix:A ca reportMilica ®ivaljeviæ, Tamara Vujkov, Darjana Jovanoviæ, Aljo¹a Mandiæ, Olgica
中心极限定理In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way oft with a married couple and their daughter。 I can obrve her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, f
rationally-----------------------in a way bad on reason rather than emotions 理性地,讲道理地established--------------------------------accepted ;recognized 确定的。已制定的。已建立的various ----------------------------
Multi-step slow annealing perovskitefilms for high performanceplanar perovskite solar cellsLike Huang,Ziyang Hu n,Jie Xu,Ke Zhang,Jing Zhang,Yuejin Zhu nebbeDepartment of Microelectronic Science and En
《夏洛的⽹》英⽂版精读训练(14)⼀字⼀句读好书Chapter4 Loneliness(1)The next day was rainy and dark. Rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped steadily from the eaveaves. Rain fell in thepigweed grew. Rain spattered
rationally-----------------------in a way bad on reason rather than emotions 理性地,讲道理地established--------------------------------accepted ;recognized 确定的。已制定的。已建立的various ----------------------------