he is one of the best runners in our school.文学活动He is one of the best runners in our school, and he is also one of my clost friends. I have known him since we were both in the first grade, and we ha
【周末英文】惊呆了!吃洋葱,居然有这么给力的8大好处!Onions have been popular for a really long time. As far back as the Egyptians of 2500 B.C., we can e evidence that the onion was worshipped. It was said to reprent etern
[词汇结构] 饮食类词汇饮料淄博安全教育平台boisson清凉饮料boisson rafraichissante充气饮料boisson gazeu带气饮料boisson pétillante手抄报国庆节灭菌饮料boisson stérilisée无酒精饮料boisson douce茶thé绿茶thé vert红茶thé noir龙井茶thé vert Longjing茉莉花茶thé au ja
小猫钓鱼A. platformB. compareC. involvingD. lf-promotionalE. internationallyF. agedG. conducted四字书法作品H. obrvation I engaging J signal K. dissatisfiedWitnessing friends' vacations, love lives and work
Prospect Theory:An Analysis of Decision under RiskDaniel Kahneman;Amos TverskyEconometrica,Vol.47,No.2.(Mar.,1979),pp.263-292.元宵节灯谜Stable URL:注册会计天下独绝links.jstor/sici?sici=0012-9682%2819790