价值千元的权威词典,如今免费造福法语人1635年,法国红衣主教,路易十三的首相黎世留(Richelieu,又译“黎塞留”)创立法兰西学术院(Académie françai),该学院肩负了规范法国语言的使命,要为法兰西编纂一部词典。《法兰西学术院词典》(Dictaonnaire de l'Académie françai)自1694年第1版问世的300多年来,历世修订,目前已进行至第9版。
INTRODUCTIONSince the discovery of the nucleolus, many works have focud on understanding the function of this dynamic nuclear structure. Ribosome biogenesis is the major function known to be associa
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MALTA 马耳他中英双语介绍HistoryPhoenicians colonized the islands of Malta at around 1000 BC. In 736 BC, the islands were occupied by the Greeks, Carthage (400 BC) and then Rome. The islands prospered under Rom