2024年1月18日发(作者:计治安)小王子的英文读后感 The Little Prince is a classic novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a renowned French author. The novel revolves around the theme of love, friendship, and human na
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ParaphraLesson11.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.☞More than any other human activities, conversation helps to promote an agreeable, pleasant and informal relationship among
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Barn Burning中文版治安官借了杂货店在坐堂问案,杂货店里有一股乳酪味。捧着帽子、蜷着身子坐在人头济济的店堂后边的孩子,觉得不但闻到一股乳酪味,还闻到了别的味儿。他坐在那里,看得见那一排排货架上密密麻麻地摆满了罐头,看上去都是矮墩墩、结结实实、神定气足的样子,他暗暗认过罐头上贴的招牌纸,可不是认招牌纸上的字,他半个大字也不识,他认的是那上面画的鲜红的辣子烤肉和银白色的弯弯的鱼。他不但闻到了
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