英语翻译中级口译-47淫羊藿怎么吃(总分100,考试时间90分钟)TRANSLATION TEST趣味新闻1. Help! I Can"t Cope A friend who had lived in New York during the 1970s was recently here for a brief visit. I asked him what, in this ever- chan
一般概念水电解制氢设备(hydrogen production plant by water electrolysis)指采用水电解的方法制取氢气(同时制取氧气)的设备。常压水电解制氢设备(normal pressure hydrogen production plant by water electrolysis)指工作压力小于0.1Mpa的水电解制氢设备。低压水电解制氢设备(low press
CHAPTER 2ANALYZING TRANSACTIONSChapter 2—Analyzing TransactionsTRUE/FALSE 1. Accounts are records of increas and decreas in individual financial statement items.ANS: 
from榨果汁例句1.We can extract oil from shale.我们可以从页岩中提取石油。河狸是什么动物2.He read an extract from the New Testament.他读了《新约》的摘录。3.This had made it near impossible to extract DNA from the mummy until now
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