气化不利 dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热 aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛 excessive heat at qi pha 气郁化热 stagnation of qi transforming into heat 温养脏腑 warming and nourishing the vi
川芎的作用与主要功效tips是什么意思【来源】为伞形科植物川芎L1gust1cumchuanx10ngH0rt.的根茎。【药性】味辛,性温。归肝、胆、心包经。【功效】活血行气,祛风止痛。【应用】tell laura i love her>popular什么意思1.用于血瘀气滞诸证。川芎辛温通散,既能活血化瘀,又能行气止痛,为“血中之气药”,有活血行气的作用,故治气滞血瘀之胸胁脘腹诸痛、瘕瘕结聚,若
中医常用词汇中医, 词汇英语单音节词麻花辫怎么扎气分热盛 excessive heat at qi pha 气郁化热 stagnation of qi transforming into heat温养脏腑 warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络 blood stasis obstructing the collaterals
中医常用词汇中医, 词汇气分热盛 excessive heat at qi pha 气郁化热 stagnation of qi transforming into heat温养脏腑 warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络 blood stasis obstructing the collaterals清肺润燥 clearin